Roda de Choro 1 - 2nd edition

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12 songs★★

About this album

The songbook Choro Jam 1 brings a rich repertoire of famous choro tunes of all time, from the traditional choro of Viriato Figueira going back to the beginnings of choro in Brazil, to the modern choro of Hermeto Pascoal.

Now you can play along with a “Choro Ensemble” that will always be there for you, whether at home, on the road, or at the beach.

Good practice and have fun!


  1. Chorando pra Pixinguinha Vinicius de Moraes & Toquinho
    Nailor Proveta (clarinet)
  2. Chorinho pra Ele Hermeto Pascoal
    Antonio Rocha (flute)
  3. Choro Noel Rosa
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  4. Cuidado, violão José Toledo
    Alexandre Ribeiro (clarinet)
  5. Evocação Rubens Leal Brito
    Daniel Dalarossa (flute)
  6. Flor do Abacate Álvaro Sandim
    Nailor Proveta (clarinet)
  7. Língua de Preto Honorino Lopes
    Daniel Dalarossa (flute)
  8. Meu Caro Amigo Chico Buarque & Francis Hime
    Toninho Carrasqueira (flute), Nailor Proveta (clarinet), Rodrigo Lessa (mandolin) and Luiz Simas (piano)
  9. O Despertar da Montanha Eduardo Souto
    Toninho Carrasqueira (flute)
  10. O Nó Candinho
    Rodrigo Lessa (mandolin)
  11. Serpentina Nelson Alves
    Antonio Rocha (flute)
  12. Só pra moer Viriato Figueira da Silva
    Daniel Dalarossa (flute)


Collection Others
Repertoire 12 songs
Includes 1 CD with 12 songs with soloists, 1 tuning track and 14 backing tracks
Scores for C C | B♭ B♭ | E♭ E♭
Level of difficulty ★★ intermediate
Size 9 x 12 in
Number of pages 96
Weight 0.91 lbs
Presentation saddle wire
ISBN 978-85-64726-08-6




Special guest (track 8)


Harmonic and melodic revision of the second edition Ítalo Peron
Harmony transcription and revision (first edition) Marco Bertaglia (Chorando pra Pixinguinha, Cuidado Violão, Evocação, O Nó, O Despertar da Montanha) and Ítalo Peron (Choro, Flor do Abacate, Língua de Preto, Meu Caro Amigo, Serpentina, Só para Moer).
Recordings of the choro ensemble, editing, mixing, and mastering Estúdio Umuarama, by Ricardo Calafate
General revision Italo Peron
Solo recordings Estúdio Umuarama (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Estúdio 185 (São Paulo, Brazil), Global Choro Music Studios (Fremont, CA).


2nd edition

Chorando pra Pixinguinha: M.83: Melody indicates an F natural. It should be a F sharp.
Chorinho pra Ele: M.33: correct harmony is GM7/B.

Previous editions

Roda de Choro 1 - 1st edition
12 songs★★