Izaias do Bandolim: Chorando na Garoa

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12 songs★★

About this album

This is another Choro Music publication dedicated to the great mandolin player and composer Izaias do Bandolim. Born and bred in São Paulo, SP, Izaias Bueno Almeida, ou Izaias do Bandolim for short, has a life dedicated to choro. His musical career starts in 1954, when he begins to attend the choro jam sessions performed at Antônio D’Auria’s home, stronghold of the Conjunto Atlântico and meeting point of the great chorões from São Paulo and also from other states, including Jacob do Bandolim, that later would be hired by Record Radio of São Paulo to be the host of the program “Noite dos Choristas.”

In his career that spans nearly 60 years, Izaias had the opportunity to play along great names of the Brazilian popular music: Pixinguinha, Benedito Lacerda, Garoto, Luperce Miranda and his brother Nelson Miranda, Waldir Azevedo, Copinha, Sivuca, Altamiro Carrilho, Rossini Ferreira, Orlando Silveira, K-Ximbinho, Jacob do Bandolim, Radamés Gnatali, Paulinho da Viola, among others.

With the publication of this songbook we also pay homage to Izaias do Bandolim, who inspired and still inspires generations of chorões around the world.

Enjoy your practice and have fun!


  1. Sereno
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  2. Adeus ilusões
    Ailton Reiner (mandolin)
  3. Chorando na Garoa
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  4. Inquietude
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin) and Ailton Reiner (mandolin)
  5. Bibelô
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  6. Desencanto
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  7. Evocativo
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin) and Ailton Reiner (mandolin)
  8. Tributo a Esmeraldino Salles
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  9. Choro Seresteiro
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  10. Sumaretianas
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  11. Tristezas
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)
  12. Encantado
    Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin)


Collection Others
Repertoire 12 songs
Includes 1 CD with 12 songs with soloists, 1 tuning track and 12 backing tracks
Scores for C C | B♭ B♭ | E♭ E♭
Level of difficulty ★★ intermediate
Size 8.3 x 11.7 in
Number of pages 104
Weight 0.85 lbs
Presentation spiral bound
ISBN 978-65-991322-4-7



Choro ensemble


Harmony transcription and revision Ítalo Peron
Musical revision Ítalo Peron
Mixing and mastering Daniel Dalarossa