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001. ADA – Ada; English polka for piano; 
“To my pupil Ada Baduchi.”

002. AGNUS DEI – Agnus Dei; for voice and piano; lyrics in Latin; a crossed out dedication reads: “To my former colleague Mr. Rossi.”

003. ÁGUA DO VINTÉM – Penny water; Brazilian tango for piano; circa 1897.

004. AGUARÁAguará; a red heron; waltz for flute; 1932.

005. AI QUE BROMA – What a joke; bolero for voice and piano; lyrics by Ernesto Matoso – 1885; “To Madam Rose Méryss.”  

006. ALEGRE-SE VIÚVA – Cheer up, widow – November 20, 1909; tango for piano.

007. ALERTA! ... – Attention!; military polka for piano.

008. AMAPÁAmapá, a state of the northwest Brazil;  maxixe by Carrapatoso and Zé Povinho for piano; circa 1897.     

009. NA VERDADE TEM RAZÃO – Actually, you’re right; tango for voice and piano; circa 1897.

010. AMARGURAS – Sorrows; for voice and piano; lyrics by Paulo Araújo; August 19, 1917.

011. AMENDOIM – Peanuts – Little song for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.      

012. AMOR – Love; Song for voice and piano; lyrics by João de Deus Falcão.

013. ANGÁ – Angá – for piano; crossed out dedication: “To the gentle artist Antoinette Villard”; original title (“Antoinette”) replaced; handwritten copy with the designation “Choro-tango.”

014. ANGÁ-CATU-RAMA, kind soul; rancheira for flute; circa 1890.

015. L’ANGE DU SEIGNEUR – The angel of the Lord; a prayed for voice and piano; circa 1894.    

016. ANGELITUDE – Angelical nature; recitative for voice and piano; lyrics by Dr. Gonzaga Filho; “To the eminent artist Rosa Damasceno.”

017. ANIMATÓGRAFO – cinematograph – waltz for piano.     

018. ANITA – Anita – polka for piano; “To the pleasant artist A. Manarezzi.”

019. A NOSSA SENHORA DAS DORES – To Our lady of Sorrows; prayer for voice and piano; Lisbon, 1909.

020. ARACÊ, o dia sai – Aracê, the day breaks; choro for flute.

021. ARARIBÓIA – Araribóia – polka for piano; the original title “Não morreu...” (It has not died) was replaced.

022. ARCÁDIA – Arcádia – quadrille for piano; 1885; “To my children.”

023. ARI, filha do céu – Ari, daughter of heavens – ballroom waltz for piano; “To the very distinguished artist Mrs. Cecília Delgado”; handwritten copy with the designation “waltz-choro.”

024. ATRAENTE – Attractive – polka for piano; 1877; handwritten copy with the designation “polka-choro.”       

025. AURORA; Aurora – a fado for voice and piano; Lisbon, 1909.

026. AVE MARIA – Hail Mary – for voice and piano; Lisbon, 1909; “To the distinguished journalist Mrs. Virgínia Quaresma.”

027. A AVOZINHA – The little grandmother – a serenade of students and tricanas from Coimbra; for voice and piano; lyrics by Mario Monteiro; Rio de Janeiro 1917.

028. BALADA - for voice and piano.

029. O BANDOLIM – The Mandolin – Spanish serenade; circa 1899; “To the distinguished Euterpe Club.”

030. BARCAROLA – Barcarole for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.

031. O BEIJO – The kiss; song for voice and piano; lyrics by J. Brito; included in the João de Rego Barros art festival in 1914.

032. BEIJOS – Kisses – For voice and piano; lyrics by Luiz Murat and Alfredo de Souza; circa 1899; “To the distinguished Mrs. Rafaela Lambert Garcez.”

033. BEIJOS DO CÉU, um sonho – Kisses from heaven, a dream – romance for voice and piano; lyrics by Raimundo Corrêa; “To Madam Blande.”

034. A BELA JARDINEIRA – The beautiful gardener – waltz for piano.

035. BELA ROSA – Beautiful rose – Brazilian popular song for voice and piano; lyrics by Cardoso Júnior; circa 1878.

036. BELLA FANCIULLA IO T’AMO – waltz of love for piano; “To my sister, the distinguished Mrs. Joana Gonzaga.”

037. BIJOU – Bijou; tango for piano.

038. BIÓNNE, adeus – Biònne – goodbye; tango for piano; circa 1895; “To Madam Yvonne Doynel.”

039. BORBOLETA – Butterfly – waltz for piano.

040. A BOTA DO DIABO – The boot of the devil; duet “Lamps and Devil”; Brazilianmaxixe for voice and piano; lyrics by Avelino de Andrade; Lisbon, 1907.

041. O BOULEVARD DA IMPRENSA - The Boulevard of the press – love is life; Habanera of the Cascata Café for piano; circa 1888.

042. A BRASILEIRA – Brazilian tune; song for voice and piano; lyrics by J. Senna.

043. CÁ E LÁ, Café de São Paulo – Here and there – The São Paulo café; tango for piano.

044. CAMILA – Camila; polka for piano; 1879; “Offered and dedicated to Mr. Cunha Sales.”

045. CANANÉACananéa – waltz for piano; circa 1900.

046. CANÇÃO BRASILEIRA – Brazilian song -for voice and piano; lyrics by Luiz Galhardo; “To the illustrious writer Mr. Luiz Galhardo.”

047. CANÇÃO DOS PASTORES, noite de natal – Song of the Shepherds, Christmas Evening;  for voice and piano; 1858; lyrics by José B. N. Gonzaga Filho.

048. CANÇONETA – Light and graceful little song; polka for voice and piano; lyrics by Antônio Quintiliano.

049. CAMDOMBLÉ – Candomblé – African dance for piano; circa 1888; “To Dr. Moreira Sampaio”; used in the play “Heaven and Hell.”

050. CAOBIMPARÁ, mar azul – Caobimpará, blue sea; choro for flute; 1932.

051. CÁ POR COISAS! ... – For some things = Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by Oscar Pederneiras Filho.

052. CARAMURU, deus do fogoCaramuru, god of fire –Brazilian characteristic fado for voice and piano; 1889; “To the distinguished Mrs. Cândida Muniz Barreto Costa.”

053. CARIJÓCarijó; choro for saxophone in E flat; 1932.

054. CARIOCA – Carioca; choro for alto saxophone; Rio de Janeiro, 1932.

055. CARIRICariri – Waltz for piano; “To the distinguished artist Cecília Delgado.”

056. CARLOS GOMES – Carlos Gomes – Brilliant waltz for piano; circa 1880; “A tribute to the eminent maestro.”

057. CARTA A ZITINHA – A letter to Zitinha Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by Filinto d’Almeida.

058. CATITA – Attractive – Polka for piano.

059. CECI – Ceci; waltz for piano; “To the eminent maestro Anacleto Medeiros.”

060. CHAUTEMOCChautemoc – March for a band – parts.

061. COCO VELHO – Old coconut – dance for a small orchestra; 1902.

062. O COIÓ – The silly guy – Little song for voice and piano; lyrics by Luiz Ribeiro.       

063. COLÉGIO DE SENHORITAS – School for young ladies – Maxixe lesson for voice and piano; 1911; lyrics by Frederico Cardoso de Menezes.

064. COMPENSAÇÃO – Compensation – Little song for voice and piano; lyrics by Orlando Teixeira.

065. CORA – Cora; romance of love for voice and piano; lyrics by Furtado Coelho; circa 1891.

066. CORO DE VIRGEM – Choir of virgins; for voice and piano.

067. A CORTE NA ROÇA – The royal court in the countryside; ballad for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisco Sodré; 1884.

068. O COZINHEIRO – The cook; Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.

069. CUBANITA – A little Cuban tune; habanera for piano.

070. DAMA DE OUROS – Queen of diamonds; habanera for piano; circa 1890.

071. DANÇA BRASILEIRA – Brazilian dance for piano; circa 1892; “To Dr. Vicente Reis.”

072. DANÇA DAS FADAS – Dance of the fairies; ballroom waltz for piano; circa 1887; “Offered to Mr. Adolfo Silva.”

073. DANÇA Nº. 2 – Dance No. 2; waltz for a small orchestra; 1915.

074. DAYBREAK, ainda não morreu; daybreak, it hasn’t died yet; tango for piano; circa 1888.

075. DEMOCRÁTICO – Democratic; tango for voice and piano; “To the group of Carnival revelers called ‘animals’.”

076. DESALENTO – Dismay; concert waltz for piano; 1877.

077. DESEJOS – Desires; Portuguese fado for voice and piano; lyrics by Esculápio [pen name of Eduardo Fernandes].

078. DESGARRADA MINHOTA – Wandering girl from the Portuguese province of Minho; for voice and piano; “To my dear little friend Sofia D’Almada”; also published with the titles “Trigueira” (Brunet), and “Trigueira, Desgarrada Minhota”; lyrics by Julio Diniz.

079. O DIABINHO – The little devil; Carnival tango for piano; “Dedicated to the maestro Joaquim da Roza.”

080. DIÁLOGO – Dialogue; waltz for voice and piano.

081. DIÁRIO DE NOTÍCIAS – Daily News; polka for piano; circa 1886; “To the illustrious editorial staff of this newspaper.”

082. DJANIRA – Djanira; polka for piano; 1881.

083. DOCE FADO – Sweet Fado; for voice and piano; 1909.

084. D. ADELAIDE – Mrs. Adelaide; little song for voice and piano; lyrics by Patrocínio Filho; “To the distinguished artist Aurora Rosani.”

085. DUETO DE AMOR – Duet of love; for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.

086. DUETO DOS POMBOS – Duet of Pigeons; for voice and piano; lyrics by Paulo Araújo; Rio de Janeiro, May 1912; from the play “School for Young Ladies.”

087. DUQUESNE – Military march  for a band;
1894; “To the Admiral and all Duquesne officers.”

088. É ENORME! – It’s huge; polka for piano; “To the eminent and original Paula Nei.”

089. EIS A SEDUTORA – Here is the seducer; bolero for voice and piano; 1896; “To Ms. Lola Natividad”; sung at the revue called “The drudge.”

090. ELVIRA – Elvira – Portuguese fado for voice and piano; lyrics by Bruno Nunes; 1901; “To the Lisbon Academy Ensemble.”

091. EM GUARDA! En garde! Dobrado for piano; “To the distinguished Captain Antônio José da Rocha.”

092. O ESFOLADO – Flayed; tango for voice and piano; lyrics by Vicente Reis and Raul Pederneiras.

093. ESPANHA E BRASIL – Spain and Brazil; song for voice and piano; lyrics by Patrocínio Filho; circa 1903.

094. ESTRELA D’ALVA – Morning Star – Overture for orchestra (parts), and piano; 1920.

095. EVOÉ – Carnival tango for piano; circa 1897.

096. FACEIRA – Graceful; raconto for voice and piano; lyrics by Cardoso Júnior, also known as “Faceira, escuta” (Graceful girl, listen to me).

097. FACEIRO – Graceful tune; tango for piano; circa 1889; “To the illustrious physician José Ferraz de Magalhães Castro.”

098. FADO DAS TRICANAS DE COIMBRA, pus-me a cantar... e chorei... – Fado of Coimbra’s country-women, I started to sing ... and cried; for voice and piano.

099. FADO DE COIMBRA – Coimbra’s fado; for piano.

100. FALENAFalena – Waltz for piano; “To the eminent president of the ‘Euterpe Club,’ Mr. José Vasco Ramalho Ortigão.”

101. FANI – Fani – Ballroom waltz for voice and piano.

102. FANTASIA – Fantasy – Introduction No. I for piano.

103. FEIJOADA DO BRASILFeijoada from Brazil; song for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga; Rio de Janeiro, 1909.

104. A FIANDEIRA – The weaving woman; raconto for voice and piano; 1913.

105. FILHA DA NOITE – The daughter of the night; polka for piano; 1885; “To Mr. João Gomes Guimarães.”

106. FOI UM SONHO!... – It was a dream; barcarole for voice and piano; lyrics by Ernesto Souza; circa 1890; sung in the drama “The crime of Father Amaro”; “To the eminent writer Augusto Fábrega.”

107. FORROBODÓForrobodó – a Carnival group of revellers; march for voice and piano; lyrics by Carlos Bettencourt and Luiz Peixoto; 1911.

108. Modinha – a Brazilian popular song; for voice and piano; lyrics by Carlos Bettencourt and Luiz Peixoto; 1911; 
“To Cecília Porto and Asdrúbal de Miranda”; this is the modinha that became popular with the title “Lua branca” (White Moon).

109. Não se impressione – Don’t be touched by that; tango for voice and piano; also known as “Forrobodó de Maçada” and/or “Tango do guarda noturno” (Tango of the watchman); 1911.

110. GAÚCHO – Brazilian tango for piano;
1895; it became popular with the title “Corta-jaca”; “To my sister Rosinha.”

111. GENÉA – Genéa – Waltz for piano; Rio de Janeiro, circa 1894; “To maestro Miguel Cardoso.”

112. GONDOLINEIRA – Gondolier, barcarole for piano; “To the eminent maestro Mr. Gustavo Maria de Campos.”

113. GRATA ESPERANÇA – Comforting hope – waltz for piano; circa 1886.

114. GRUTA DAS FLORES – Grotto of flowers; polka for piano; circa 1887; “To my pupils.”

115. GUAIANAZES – Guaianazes, Brazilian polka for piano; handwritten copy shows the designation “Waltz-choro.” 

116. GUASCA – A native of the State of Rio Grande do Sul; Polka for piano.

117. A GUITARRA – The guitar; fado for voice and piano; lyrics by Raul Pederneiras.  

118. HÁ ALGUMA NOVIDADE? – Any news? Little humorous song for voice and piano; lyrics by Moreira Sampaio; 1886.

119. HABANERA – Habanera; for orchestra (parts), and piano.

120. HARMONIA DAS ESFERAS – Harmonies of the spheres; brilliant waltz for piano; 1881; dedicated to her brother, “Dr. Gonzaga Filho.”

121. HARMONIAS DO CORAÇÃO – harmonies of the heart; concerto waltz for piano; 1877.

122. HELOÍSA. Heloísa; ballroom waltz for piano; circa 1897; “To my niece Heloísa Gonzaga.”

123. HERÓICA – Heroic; march for choir and; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.

124. HINO À BANDEIRA BRASILEIRA – Brazilian Flag Anthem; for voice and piano; lyrics by Paulo Silva Araújo; from the fantastic tragedy called “The Parade of the Dead”; Rio de Janeiro, 1915.

125. HINO À REDENTORA – The Redeemer Anthem; for choir and piano; May 13, 1888; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.

126. HIP!!!  - HIP!!!; galloping polka for piano.

127. IAIÁ FAZENDO ETC. E... TAL!... – Iaiá up to some things!...; Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by F. P. Almeida Júnior.   

128. IARA, coração de fogo – Iara, heart of fire; concerto waltz for piano; circa 1885; “To the eminent pianist Geraldo Ribeiro.”

129. INVOCAÇÃO – Invocation; lamenting capriccio for piano; “To the distinguished poet and singer Rose Meryss.”

130. IO T’AMO – I love you; gavotte for piano; circa 1889.

131. ISMÊNIA – Ismênia; waltz for piano; 1881; “A tribute to the eminent artist Ismênia dos Santos.”

132. ITARARÉ – Itararé; polka for piano; circa 1897; “To Messrs. Gonçalves and Amaral, owners of the brave Itararé.”

133. O JAGUNÇO – A hired gunman; Brazilian characteristic tango for piano; circa 1897.

134. JANDIRA - Song for guitar, voice and piano; lyrics by Ruben Gil and Alfredo Breda;

135. JANDIRA - Quadrille for piano; circa 1903; “To the distinguished board  of the Derby-Club.”

136. JANIQUINHA – Janiquinha, schottische for piano; circa 18971; “To the very distinguished pianist Joana Leal de Barros.”

137. JURACI – Juraci; ballroom waltz for piano; circa 1897; “To my pupil Raimundo Rocha dos Santos.”

138. JURITI - Song of the little hunchback – for voice and piano; lyrics by Viriato Corrêa;
1919; “To the eminent maestro Bernardino Vivas.”

139. Fogo, foguinho –  Love is a burning fire; samba for voice and piano; lyrics by Viriato Corrêa; 1919.

140. LAURITA - Mazurka for piano; circa 1889; “Dedicated to Dr. A. Cardoso de Menezes’ intelligent little daughter.”

141. LEONTINA – Leontina; habanera for piano; circa 1889; “To my distinguished pupil Leontina Gentil Torres.”

142. LINDA MORENA – Beautiful brunet; choro for piano; Rio de Janeiro, 1919; the handwritten copy shows the designation “Choro-tango.” 

143. LUA BRANCA – White moon; song for voice and piano; 1911.

144. MACHUCA! ... – It hurts!... Little song for voice and piano; lyrics by Patrocínio Filho; “To the very gentle and distinguished artist Plácida dos Santos.”

145. MANHÃ DE AMOR – Mornings of love; ballad for voice and piano; lyrics by C. C.

146. MANOBRAS DE AMOR – Desgarrada; for voice and piano; lyrics by O. Duque Estrada; 1911. 

147. O MAR – The sea; ballad for voice and piano; lyrics by Holanda Cunha; Rio, November 26, 1926.

148. MARCHA FÚNEBRE – Funeral march for piano; 1879; “In memory of the always mourned death of General Osório, Marquês de Herval.”

149. MARCHA PALACIANA – Palatial march for piano.

150. MARIA..., Maria... Lauro’s song – for voice and piano; lyrics by Viriato Corrêa; 1933; “To Vicente Celestino, from Mama Chiquinha.”

151. MARIA – Waltz for piano; Rio de Janeiro, circa 1899; “To the gentle Ms. Maria Josefina Delpino.”

152. MARINAGEM – A bunch of sailors – barcarole for a cappella choir; lyrics by Avelino de Andrade Lisboa, 1907; from the operetta “The boot of the devil.”

153. MEDITAÇÃO – Meditation; nocturne for piano; circa 1890; “To the illustrious violin player cellist Frederico do Nascimento”; played in the drama called “Father Amaro’s Crime.”

154. À MEIA NOITE!... At midnight!...Polka for piano; circa 1890; “To the distinct actress Ismênia dos Santos.”

155. MENINA FACEIRA – Coquettish girls; tango for orchestra (parts); 1885.

156. MEU DEUS POR FIM JÁ CREIO, Luiz’ Romance – Lord, at last I’m a believer; for voice and orchestra; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.

157. O MEU SERTÃO, A Sertaneja – My countryside, the country girl; serenade; arranged for four voices; lyrics by Viriato Corrêa; 1915.

158. OS MINEIROS – The miners – for a small orchestra (parts), and piano.

159. MINHA PÁTRIA – My motherland; palatial march for piano; circa 1904; “I offer and dedicate this song to the Brazilian Army and Navy.”

160. O MINHO EM FESTA - The river Minho on feast days – Benta’s romance – for voice and piano; lyrics by Cândido Costa; Rio, 1922.

161. A MORENA – The brunet; song for voice and piano; lyrics by Ernesto de Souza; circa 1901; “To the popular song writer Geraldo de Magalhães.”

162. MORENA – Brunet; Portuguese-Brazilian song for voice and piano; circa 1901; lyrics by Guerra Junqueiro.

163. MORGADINHAMorgadinha; polka for piano.

164. A MULATINHA – The little mulatto girl; Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by Patrocínio Filho; “To Ms. Jeanne Cayot.”

165. MULHER HOMEM – Woman Man; polka for piano; circa 1886.

166. MUSICIANAMusiciana; choro for flute.

167. OS NAMORADOS DA LUA – The sweethearts of the moon; serenade for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga; circa 1900.

168. O NAMORO – The romance; Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by Frederico de Jesus.

169. NÃO INSISTAS, RAPARIGA! – Don’t you insist, young lady!; polka for piano; 1877.

170. NÃO SONHES – Don’t dream; romance for voice, piano and harp; lyrics by Luthegarda de Caíres;
Lisbon, 1909.

171. NÃO VENHAS!..., coplas de Pedrinho – Don’t come!... Pedrinho’s little poem; for voice and piano; lyrics by Cardoso Júnior.

172. A NOITEGavota - The night, gavotte; for a small orchestra; 1901.

173. A NOITE – 2ª. Gavota – The night, 2nd gavotte; for piano. “To Batista Coelho and Rafael Pinheiro.”

174. A NOIVA – The bride; waltz for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.

175. NOIVADO – Engagement party; love waltz for voice and piano; lyrics by Lúcio Mendonça.

176. NU E CRU – Plain and simple – countryside song for voice and piano; lyrics by Antônio Quintiliano; 1906.

177. Ó ABRE ALAS – Please make way; handwritten manuscript as maxixe of Carnival revellers for the play “Não venhas” (Don’t come); printed with the title “Não Venhas!...; Carnival dobrado”; 1899.

178. OH! MON ÉTOILE – Oh, my star; Brazilian tango for voice and piano; lyrics by C. C. (a garland of French romances); 1881.

179. OH! NAO ME ILUDAS... – Oh, don’t deceive me!...Habanera for piano.

180. OS OITO BATUTAS – The eight top guys; tango for a small orchestra, 1919.

181. OS OLHOS DELA... Her eyes; polka for piano.

182. OLHOS IRRESISTÍVEIS – Irresistible eyes; polka for piano.

183. ORTRUDA – Ortruda; waltz for piano; “To Amália Iracema.”

184. O PADRE AMARO – Father Amaro; waltz for piano; circa 1890; “To the illustrious master and eminent artist L. C. Furtado Coelho.”

185. PARA A CERA DO SANTISSIMO! – For the candle of the Holy Eucharist – little humorous song for voice and piano; lyrics by Artur Azevedo; circa 1886.

186. PARAGUAÇU – Paraguaçu; choro for piano; originally designated as habanera and later on replaced by “choro.”

187. PASSOS NO CHORO – Mr. Passos playing the Choro – Brazilian polka for piano.

188. PEHÔ-PEKIM – Pehô-Pekim; Chinese characteristic dance for piano; circa 1889; “To Mr. João Gomes Guimarães.”

189. O PERDÃO, Desalento – Forgiveness, discouragement, Estela’s romance; for voice and piano; lyrics by Avelino de Andrade; 1901.

190. PERFUME, FENO DE ATKINSONS – Perfume, Feno de Atkinsons; ballroom waltz for piano; 1892.

191. A PEROBA – Peroba (name of a Brazilian tree) – choir of little walking sticks; for voice and piano; lyrics by Antonio Quintiliano.

192. PIU-DUDO, beija-flor – Piu-dudo, a hummingbird; Brazilian batuque for piano; circa 1896; “To maestro Soter.”

193. PLANGENTE – Plaintive; sentimental waltz for piano; circa 1877.

194. POESIA E AMOR – Poetry and Love; romance for voice and piano; 1888; lyrics by Casimiro de Abreu.

195. AS POMBAS – The pigeons; for voice and piano; circa 1889; lyrics by Raimundo Corrêa; “To the illustrious Rio de Janeiro community of journalists and poets.”

196. POR QUE CHORASTE? – Why did you cry? Romance for voice and piano; lyrics by Victor da Cunha.

197. PRECE À VIRGEM – Prayer to the Virgin; for voice and piano; circa 1894.

198. PRELÚDIOS – Preludes for piano.

199. PROMESSA! – A promise; American waltz for piano; “To the American Club.”

200. PSIQUE – Psyche; choro for flute.

201. PUDESSE ESTA PAIXÃO ...Baile – If only this passion could ...Dance; waltz for voice and piano; 1912; lyrics by Álvaro Colas.

202. RADIANTE – Joyous; ballroom polka for piano; 1885; “To the intelligent academic Francisco Sodré.”

203. RANCHEIRA-PLATINA – Platina Rancheira;choro for alto saxophone.     

204. REDES AO MAR – Fishing nets to the sea – barcarole for voice and piano; Rio de Janeiro, 1921; lyrics by Mário Monteiro.

205. ROBERTINHA – Robertinha; waltz for piano; circa 1897; “To the intelligent daughter of the eminent physician Dr. José Batista Gonçalves.”

206. RODA IOIÔ – Spin, yoyo – little song for voice and piano.

207. ROMEU E JULIETA – Romeo and Juliet – Duet of Mario and Beatriz for voice and piano; lyrics by Renato Vianna; 1924.

208. RONDOLINI-RONDOLINÃORondolini-Rodolinão; little humorous song for voice and piano; lyrics by Oscar Pederneiras; circa 1886; “To the distinguished artist Machado.”

209. ROSA – Rosa; characteristic waltz for piano; “To my mother, Mrs. Rosa Gonzaga.”

210. SABIÁ DA MATASabiá da mata, name of a Brazilian bird; choro for flute.

211. SACI-PERERÊ – Saci-pererê; folkloric figure of a little one-legged negro – Brazilian cateretê for piano.

212. SADA – Sada; tango for orchestra (parts), and piano; 1886.

213. SANTA – Saint – Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by Alberto de Oliveira; “To the illustrious and good fellow Calixto.”

214. S. PAULO – São Paulo – Brazilian tango for piano; 1885; “To the state of São Paulo.”

215. SATÃ – Satan – Brazilian lundu for piano; “To my friend and colleague Ernesto Matos.”

216. SAUDADE – Longing – ballroom waltz for piano; “To Carlos Gomes.”

217. SBAT – The Brazilian Association of Theater Authors – SBAT; tango for piano; 1917.

218. SEDUTOR – Seducer; tango for piano; 1877.

219. SE O FORRETA ESTÁ DE VENETA; If the scrooge is up to something; polka for piano; 1885.

220. A SEREIA – The mermaid; ballad for voice and piano; 1887; lyrics by Aluízio de Azevedo.

221. SERENATA – Serenade for piano.

222. A SERTANEJA – The country-girl -Barcarole for choir and piano; 1915; lyrics by Viriato Corrêa.

223. SI FUERA VERDAD! ... – If it were true; habanera for voice and piano; lyrics by Luiz Murat; 1885; “To the distinguished writer Luiz Murat.”

224. SIMPATIA – Congeniality – Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by Casimiro de Abreu; allegedly it was printed with the title “Que é simpatia?” (What is congeniality).

225. SONHANDO – Dreaming; habanera for piano; 1879; “To the distinguished guitar player José White.”

226. SÓ NO CHORO – Just playing the choro – characteristic tango for piano; 1889; “To maestro Henrique Alves de Mesquita.”

227. A SORTE GRANDE –  The jackpot – small song for voice and piano; Lisbon, 1909; lyrics by A. Armando.

228. SULTANA – Sultana; polka for piano; 1878; “O.D. and C. to the distinguished Politicians’ Club.”

229. SUSPIRO – A sigh; tango for piano; circa 1881.

230. TACHI! - Tachi!; romance for voice and piano.

231. TAMBIQUERÊTambiquerê;tango for piano; circa 1894; “To the eminent maestro Zeferino Houcardes.”

232. TAMOIOTamoio; name of a Brazilian native tribe;pas-de-quatre for piano.

233. TANGO - for piano; circa 1887; “Sung by actor Machado in the humorous scene called ‘Carlino jobless.’”

234. TANGO BRASILEIRO – Brazilian tango for piano; circa 1880; “To my distinguished friend, maestro Miguel de Vasconcelos.”

235. TANGO CARACTERÍSTICO –  Characteristic tango for piano; circa 1887; “To the eminent and your maestro Francisco Braga.”

236. TAPUIA – 2nd mazurka for piano; Tapuia,  name of a Brazilian native tribe; handwritten copy with the designation “Mazurka- rancheira.”

237. TEUS OLHARES – Your glances – Brazilian song for voice and piano; lyrics by Avelino de Andrade; “A tribute to the talent of L. T.”; date of lyrics: June 3, 1914.   

238. TEU SORRISO – Your smile; polka for piano; 1879.

239. TIMBIRATimbira; name of a Brazilian native tribe; waltz for piano.

240. TIM-TIM – Tim-tim; tango for piano; circa 1885; “To Mr. Valentim Magalhães’ intelligent son.”

241. TOUJOURS ET ENCORE – Always and still; polka for piano; circa 1897; “To the eminent poet and singer Rose Meryss.”

242. AS TRÊS GRAÇAS – The three graces; fado for voice and piano; lyrics by Luiz Galhardo and Augusto de Castro; Lisbon, 1908. 

243. TUPÃTupã, Tupian name for Thunder; Brazilian tango for piano; circa 1890; “A tribute to the eminent republican Dr. Lopes Trovão.”

244. TUPI – Tupian; waltz for piano.

245. TUPINIQUINSTupiniquins, a Brazilian native tribe; waltz for piano.

246. UMA PÁGINA - dança nº. 1; One page, dance No. 1; minuet for a string orchestra; 1915.

247. VALQUÍRIA – Valquíria; waltz for orchestra; 1884; “To the illustrious physician Dr. Frederico Fróes; as a true token of esteem and consideration.”

248. VAMOS À MISSA... – Let’s go to mass; humorous duet for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga; “To my dear friends Machado and Maria Lina.”

249. VILLANCETE – Villancete; ballad for voice and piano; lyrics by Haddock Lobo; dedicated to Plácido Júnior.

250. LA VIOLETTE – The violet; pas-de-quatre for piano; “To Madam Blanche Rouède.”

251. VIVA LA GRACIA – Viva the grace; Spanish waltz for piano.

252. VIVA O CARNAVAL! Viva Carnival; Polka for piano; circa 1884; “To the illustrious maestro Francisco G. de Carvalho.”

253. VIVER É FOLGAR – Living is enjoying; waltz for piano; 1885.

254. VOU DAR BANHO EM MINHA SOGRA – I’ll bathe my mother-in-law; polka for piano; offered to Mr. F. Sampaio.

255. XI!  - Oh boy!; tango for piano; circa 1883.

256. YO TE ADORO – I adore you; tango for piano; 1881.


Songs not located:


01. AI MORENA – Oh Brunet; song for voice and piano; lyrics by Francisca Gonzaga.

02. Al QUE AMOR – Oh, how sweet; little song for viola.

03. A BAIANA DOS PASTÉIS – The woman from Bahia with pastries; song for voice and piano.

04. BANDOLINEIRA – The mandolin player; for piano.

05. BURRO DE CARGA – Drudge; bolero for piano.

06. CARMENSITA – Carmensita; tango for voice and piano.

07. O CICLISTA – The cyclist.

08. CINTILANTE – Sparkling; polka for piano

09. COLÉGIO DE SENHORITAS – School for young ladies; song for voice and piano.

10. CONSPIRADORES – Conspirators; tango for piano.

11. CONTO DO VIGÁRIO – A swindle; lundu for piano.

12. DESEJO – Desire; romance for piano.

13. DUETO - Duet for voice and piano; lyrics by J. Brito.

14. EU JÁ VOLTO – I’ll be right back; polka for piano.

15. FADO DA SABINA – Sabina’s fado; for voice and piano.

16. FÊNIX – Phoenix; habanera for piano.

17. JÚLIA – Julia; tango for piano.

18. ONZE DE AGOSTO – August 11; March.

19. POLCA MILITAR – Military polka; for piano.

20. PRIMEIRA GAVOTA – First gavotte; for piano.

21. PUDESSE ESTA PAIXÃO – If only this passion could; polka-tango for piano.

22. QUARTETO DE MADEIRA – quartet for woodwind instruments.

23. O SÉCULO – The century; brilliant march for a band.

24. SOBERANO – Sovereign; tango for piano.

25. SÓ NA FLAUTA – Just playing the flute; polka for piano.

26. TE AMO – I love you; tango.

27. VIDA OU MORTE – Life or death; dobrado for piano.

28. VINDE, VINDE! Come, come! – Sacred song for choir and piano.